What Is A Chartered Marketer And How Do I Become One?

The marketing industry is extremely competitive, making it crucial to find ways to stand out from your competition. Earning Chartered Marketer status is the most prestigious accreditation you can add to your marketing CV; this award demonstrates your commitment to your professional development, which can significantly impact your career, especially when your value is being assessed on paper.

What is a Chartered Marketer?

Marketing is an ever-evolving industry that attracts a growing number of professionals. At the same time, achieving a healthy work-life balance has become a top priority for many. Balancing these can be particularly challenging in marketing, where tight deadlines, staying abreast of the latest trends, and managing time-zone differences are part of the daily grind. To thrive in such an environment, setting clear boundaries is crucial to prevent burnout and ensure you have time to recharge. No matter how much you love your job, it’s essential to carve out personal time away from work.

“A status recognising those marketers achieving the highest level in our profession. It demonstrates commitment to keeping up-to-date and is awarded on a combination of experience and qualifications. In 1998, The Queen’s Privy Council granted CIM the exclusive authority to award Chartered Marketer status.”


Who can become a Chartered Marketer?

To begin the journey of becoming a Chartered Marketer, you need to have been a Member (MCIM) or a Fellow (FCIM) of the Chartered Institute of Marketing for at least two consecutive years.
Once you have achieved either status, you can start working towards becoming a Chartered Marketer by recording your CPD activities. It is also important to note that you can start CIM’s CPD programme at any point in your career, in fact the earlier you start the better as it will only instil the positive habit of recording your development.
Becoming a Member (MCIM)
Becoming a Fellow (FCIM)

What do I need to do to become a Chartered Marketer?

CIM have recently introduced a new system – it asks members to provide reflective statements discussing their CPD activities rather than the old system of asking members to demonstrate that they had spent 35 hours on CPD activities.

After recording your CPD for two consecutive years, you will then be invited to complete the assessment, which upon passing will secure you Chartered Marketer status.

Once you have passed the assessment, you will officially be a Chartered Marketer and able to show this off with pride. You will receive a certificate recognising your award and a copy of the logo which you can use on personal business materials such as CV’s and business cards.

The requirements are as follows:

Why should I become a Chartered Marketer?

Chartered Marketer status is the most prestigious marketing accreditation within the industry. This means by achieving this status, you will set yourself apart to employers and give yourself the best chance at greater success within your career.

It also encourages continuous learning and development, which is great for ambitious marketers who are always looking to improve their skills and knowledge, as well as keep up with the latest industry trends.

If you’re looking to keep on top of your CPD, take a look at our range of individual modules and short courses.

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